Talking Therapy

Kindfulness Talking Therapy

This is counselling based on kindness and mindfulness where you can talk about every aspect of your life in a friendly and safe environment. Kindfulness talking therapy will help you to untangle your own thoughts and figure out how you really feel about happenings of your day to day life while making you be kind to yourself above everything else. After you are kind to yourself and accept yourself just the way you are, the process of letting go of your insecurities and worries become easier. A compassionate approach towards yourself and everyone else around you are practiced throughout the therapy. Kindfulness talking therapy will assist anyone who has faced episodes of anxiety, depression, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder or anger issues even once in their life or anyone who struggles a hard time handling the everyday stresses and challenges.

Mental health and well-being are as important as physical health and kindfulness talking therapy is a secular counselling approach for anyone who needs to be heard and understood kindly without judgment.

At the moment we are offering Kindfulness Therapy by Phone and online using Zoom, WhatsApp and FaceTime. Contact us to book your appointment with Nel.

Testimonial 1

As a 50 + woman, I have, over the years, accumulated quite a bit of emotional baggage which was impacting on my ability to enjoy life. I found that I was suffering, sometimes, quite debilitating stress and anxiety and this was affecting my health and well-being. I also, in common with many of my age, have some physical health problems which were adding to my anxiety. 

Having tried counselling through the NHS, I had been disappointed with the approach and felt it did little to address my problems. It was robotic and I felt that each week the counsellor remembered nothing from previous sessions and offered no solutions to my problems. 

So, when Nel suggested I try a mindfulness-based therapy approach, I was not overly optimistic but thought I had nothing to lose. However, by the end of my first session, I realized that not all counselling is the same. 

Nel immediately put me at my ease with her warm and caring demeanour. I was able to talk about things that I have never shared before but had allowed to eat away at me over the years. She listened. She was both empathetic and sympathetic. More importantly, in contrast to the previous approach, Nel engaged in dialogue and guided me through revealing some quite deep-rooted hurt from the past. She helped me to look at things non-judgmentally and from a more mindful point of view. Whilst there is still work to do, I have been equipped with the tools to follow through on coming to terms and accept my past; allowing me to move on and leave the past behind. 

One of the biggest differences was that Nel followed through each week from the previous week. Discussions from previous sessions were revisited and followed up so there was a greater fluency to the sessions. I was given homework, which sometimes I wasn’t able to do but am still trying because I know, from a logical point of view there is great merit in doing what she asked, I just have to convince my emotional self to do it. At times, not surprisingly, my emotions would spill over, and when that happened Nel would pause the session with a simple, yet effective, mindfulness breathing exercise. 

Any counsellor has a tremendous responsibility, and, in the wrong hands, I believe counselling can do more harm than good. It is, therefore, crucial that you have absolute faith in the person you allow to take on this role and put your wellbeing in their hands. With Nel, I had that absolute faith. She has an innate ability to calm and soothe and her mindfulness-based approach is to be greatly recommended.

Alison Harvie



Testimonial 2 – Student

As someone who never had experienced any episodes of anxiety, it was very scary when it first happened to me. I was getting ready for my medical school year end examination and I was crippled by the fear of the unknown, second guessing everything I was doing, was not able to concentrate or even think straight. 

The vicious cycle of over thinking that I had been doing for months prior to the exam had finally led to anxiety. I physically underwent a series of anxiety attacks/panic attacks repeatedly. 

Just 2 days prior to the exam I talked to Nel about what I was going through, not having a slightest clue that it was anxiety that I was experiencing. She talked with me for hours on the phone, helped me to feel free by already imagining the worst outcome possible at the examination, which was failing all three subjects and asked me to make peace with it. 

All my anxiety was coming from the fear of facing that situation, so when I finally let go of that fear and told myself even if the worst thing happened, I would still be fine, that mentality gave me the courage to go and sit for the examination. 

Nel’s interference is what helped me to get to that point, and I’m happy to say I was able to barely get through the examination although I was in a very shaky mindset at the time.


Medical student